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Proceedings of the conference 'Stars and their variability, observed from spave' held in Vienna on August 19-23, 2019.
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Table of contents:
The Space Photometry Revolution, F. Kerschbaum
Putting stars into boxes, R. E. Griffin
Gaia's Revolution in stellar variability, L. Eyer et al.
What we can learn from constant stars, and what does constant mean?, E. Paunzen et al.
Pre-TESS observations of pulsating white dwarf stars at Konkoly Observatory, Z. Bognár et al.
A pre-main sequence variability classifier for TESS, M. Müllner et al.
Classification of variable stars, D. Tarczay-Nehéz et al.
The demystification of classical Be stars through space photometry, D. Baade et al.
Potential and challenges of pre-main sequence asteroseismology, K. Zwintz
Observations of internal structures of low-mass main-sequence stars and red giants, S. Hekker
What physics is missing in theoretical models of high-mass stars: new insights from asteroseismology, D. M. Bowman
Cepheids under the magnifying glass - not so simple, after all!, R. I. Anderson
Asteroseismology of Rapidly Rotating Stars with Acoustic Modes, D. R. Reese
The BRITE-SONG of Aldebaran - stellar music in three voices, P. G. Beck et al.
The complex asteroseismology of SX Phoenicis, J. Daszynska-Daszkiewicz et al.
Modelling Long-Period Variables in the Gaia Era, M. Trabucchi et al.
The planet-host pulsating star HR8799 as seen by BRITE, Á. Sódor et al.
The non-radial pulsation pattern of the Algol star RZ Cas, H. Lehmann et al.
Pre-main Sequence Gravity-Mode Pulsators in K2, L. Ketzer et al.
Asteroseismology of the Beta Cen System, C. Lovekin et al.
The prototype star Gamma Doradus observed by TESS, S. Christophe et al.
The existence of hot Gamma Doradus and A--F-type hybrid stars, F. Kahraman Alicavus et al.
Effect of the magnetic field on period spacings of gravity modes in rapidly rotating stars, V. Prat et al.
Dynamical Mass of a Type II Cepheid and a disk around its Be star companion, B. Pilecki
Galactic Red Supergiants in Gaia DR2, M. Messineo et al.
The pulsation spectrum of a mass-accreting component of AS Eri, D. Mkrtichian et al.
Cepheids Near and Far, D. Tarczay-Nehéz et al.
Science with BRITE-Constellation at the University of Innsbruck, K. Zwintz et al.
Long-term BRITE and SMEI space photometry of Gamma Cas (B0.5IVe), C. C. Borre et al.
CHEOPS & stars (& asteroseismology), S. Barceló Forteza et al.
Early-type magnetic stars: The rotation challenge, G. Mathys
Be star variability as seen from ground-based and space photometry, J. Labadie-Bartz et al.
BRITEness variations of the BRITEst hot stars, T. Ramiaramanantsoa et al.
Shine BRITE: shedding light on stellar variability through advanced models, D. Fabbian et al.
Rieger-type periodicity in the activity of solar-type stars, E. Gurgenashvili et al.
Superfast spectral variations of OBA stars, A. A. Batrakov et al.
Results of Light-Curves Analyses for the Dwarf Nova EX Dra, I. Voloshina et al.
Instrinsic X-ray variability of O stars and Wolf-Rayet stars, A. M. T. Pollock
Astronomical potential of satellite star trackers, A. M. T. Pollock
EM Cep - an interesting Be star, N. Kochiashvili et al.
Old and New observational Data for P Cygni, S. Beradze et al.
Discovery of the first Ap star in an eclipsing binary system, M. Skarka et al.
MOBSTER: Search for period evolution in Orion's Magnetic B-type Stars, M. E. Shultz et al.
The strange case of HD65987, a magnetic Bp star with two periods, J. D. Landstreet et al.
Multi-Instrument Analysis of Gaia, Kepler K2, ASAS-SN, and ASAS Observations of Long-Period Variables, E. Hartig et al.
The imposter Be star HD 19818: superflares in a cool giant?, J. Labadie-Bartz et al.
STEREO Observations of Be Stars, D. Ozuyar et al.
Variability of Wolf-Rayet Stars through MOST(LY) BRITE-Eyes, G. Lenoir-Craig et al.
Simultaneous photometric and spectroscopic analysis of a new outburst of V1686 Cyg, H. R. Andreasyan
Magnetic field measurements of Kepler Ap/CP2 stars, I. I. Romanyuk et al.
Near-ultraviolet Variability in the Kepler Field, E. Bertone et al.
Listening to the Heartbeat: Tidal Asteroseismology in Action, Z. Guo
3D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Stellar Convection for Helio- and Asteroseismology, F. Kupka
Challenges to modelling from ground-breaking new data of present/future space and ground facilities, G. Clementini et al.
Open problems in high-mass stellar evolution, S. Ekström et al.
Internal stellar magnetic fields, J. Fuller
Search for Quiet Stellar-mass Black Holes by Asteroseismology from Space, H. Shibahashi et al.
Accretion simulations of Eta Carinae and implications for the evolution of massive binaries, A. Kashi
From the Sun to solar-like stars: how does the solar modelling problem affect our studies of solar-like oscillators?, G. Buldgen et al.
Asteroseismic Binaries as non-Solar Mixing Length Calibrators, M. Joyce
Unbiased seismic model fitting, T. Kallinger
The relevance of partial ionization in the outer layers of F stars, A. Brito et al.
KIC11971405 - the SPB star with the four asymptotic sequences of G modes, W. Szewczuk et al.
The slowly pulsating B-star 18 Peg: A testbed for upper main sequence stellar evolution, A. Irrgang et al.
Determination of precise stellar parameters of Kepler LEGACY targets using the WhoSGlAd method, M. Farnir et al.
From light-curves to frequencies of oscillation modes using TACO, N. Themeßl et al.
A Novel Modeling of Magneto-Rotating Stellar Evolution, K. Takahashi
New fully evolutionary models for asteroseismology of ultra-massive white-dwarf stars, A. H. Córsico et al.
Magneto-Rossby waves and short-term periodicity in solar-type stars, T. Z. Zaqarashvili
A solution to the 'solar abundance' problem, Q.-S. Zhang et al.
The Age of Zero Age Main Sequence Stars as an Analytic Function of Mass, T. Steindl et al.
Study of convection in one and multi-dimensional pulsating models, G. B. Kovács et al.
Convection in rotating stars: convective penetration and mixing, K. C. Augustson et al.
Gravity offset and coupling factor of mixed modes in RGB stars, C. Pincon
Better Physics for Modelling Stars and their Oscillations, R. Trampedach et al.
R-mode oscillations in eclipsing binaries, H. Saio
Stellar inclination angles from Be Star H-alpha emission-line profiles, T. A. A. Sigut et al.
Binary stars: a cheat sheet, J. Southworth
Hot Subdwarf Stars and Binary Evolution, D. Brown
Eclipsing binaries with possible Beta Cephei variables, F. Kahraman Alicavus et al.
Results of the ensemble asteroseismology of B-type stars in open cluster NGC 6910, D. Mozdzierski et al.
Beta-Cep pulsator in the eclipsing binary V381 Car: mode identification and seismic modelling, A. Miszuda et al.
KIC 10661783 - binary system with a Delta-Sct type component, A. Miszuda et al.
KIC9163796 - a benchmark binary for age determination, D. H. Grossmann et al.
The spectroscopic multiplicity fraction in a sample of A/F-type (candidate) hybrid stars from the Kepler mission, P. Lampens et al.
Possible Connection Between P Cygni and Neighbouring Open Clusters, S. Beradze et al.
Parameters of detached O- and B-type eclipsing binaries in the LMC, M. Taormina
Protostellar accretion bursts and their effect on pre-main-sequence stellar evolution, E. Vorobyov et al.
Recent advances in numerical models that include atomic diffusion in stars, G. Alecian
The photometric variability of magnetic hot stars: deviations from centered dipoles, M. S. Munoz et al.
From Ancestors to Offspring: tracing the connection between magnetic fluxes of OB and neutron stars, E. I. Makarenko et al.
Rotational inversions along the lower part of the red-giant branch, F. Ahlborn et al.
Analysis of Photometry of Stars from Space and Ground-Based Surveys, D. E. Tvardovskyi et al.
From monitoring survey of variable red giant stars to the evolution of the galaxy: Andromeda VII, M. Navabi et al.
Disks around Be stars and complex radiation effects, N. D. Kee
Tracing stellar wind variability from space, J. Krticka et al.
Star-planet magnetic interactions, A. F. Lanza
Dynamics of star-disk interaction processes in young, low-mass stars as seen from space, L. Venuti
Cepheid Spheres of Influence, N. R. Evans et al.
The distance of the long-period Cepheid RS Puppis from its remarkable light echoes, P. Kervella
BRITE Photometric Variability of the Intriguing Wolf-Rayet Star WR6: Rotational or Binary Modulations?, N. St-Louis et al.
Do planet systems influence the host star atmospheric abundances?, T. Ryabchikova
Flares of M stars in the Upper Scorpius region and flares/CMEs of the active M-star AD Leo, E. W. Guenther et al.
Starspots and rotation velocities of normal A- and Am- stars, O. Trust et al.
Ultraviolet variability of B, Be, and B[e] stars, I. Krticková et al.
Type II Cepheids in the Kepler K2 mission, M. I. Jurkovic et al.
Transiting exocomets detected in broadband light by TESS in the Beta Pictoris system, S. Zieba et al.
The influence of stellar X-ray and UV-radiation on exoplanets, S. R. G. Joyce et al.
The Ondrejov Exoplanet Group, M. Blazek et al.
Southern Bp-e star HD124448, M. Zboril
BRITE-Constellation Operations and Data Collection, R. Kuschnig
Solar-Like Oscillations: Lessons Learned & First Results from TESS, D. Huber et al.
RR Lyrae and Cepheid variables with TESS, E. Plachy et al.
Magnetic OB[A] Stars with TESS: probing their Evolutionary and Rotational properties - The MOBSTER Collaboration, A. David-Uraz et al.
TOSC: an algorithm for the tomography of spotted transit chords, G. Scandariato
Asteroseismic analysis of the SPB star HD54967 observed by TESS, P. Walczak et al.
Eclipsing binaries hiding in the background: the Kepler pixel project, A. Forró et al.
Celebrating five years of BRITE-Constellation with good good good, good vibrations during the end-of-conference summary party, C. Aerts
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